Seminars on the other hand, only need that paycheck before the conference. Leaving you hoping you’re getting what you pay for. Largely, you need to be wary of the significant upfront cost, before you see that you receive what you pay for.
Now, for books, they’re always an excellent form of education. For the avid reader, it’s an inexpensive way to learn about the markets. However, think of books as a useful supplement to the more extensive education system you choose. For actually making money in the markets, you are going to need more than reading materials—especially to get you started.
Trading platforms and software alone are changing so rapidly that any book discussing these matters that’s more than two years old is out of date. For these reasons, avoid books that look to educate only about trading.
For books, I’ve found that the best type of reading for traders doesn’t have anything to do with trading, but instead provides knowledge that does not age. Books can help provide wisdom for looking at your life around trading. This can really help you fully understand what’s your why!
Seek books that deal with the psychology and mental readiness for trading. They will help you keep your mind clear and focused—for not only trading—but also for learning about trading. Most traders think the psychology part of trading is irrelevant, but in reality, it is responsible for 75 percent of your success.
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