
Forex Trade Results January 25, 2022

Forex Trade Results January 24, 2022
January 24, 2022
Forex Trade Results January 26, 2022
January 26, 2022

Forex Trade Results January 25, 2022

Do Forex Seminars Work?

Let’s get my position on seminars out right from the start: seminars are glorified information that you can find on YouTube. This isn’t even saying the information itself is wrong; in fact, much of it can be very helpful in your learning process. However, you will find that these introduction seminars only cover the very basics and charge you thousands of dollars for information you can get free online. They leave you feeling scammed, taken advantage of, and in a worse position than you were before.

There was not a single thing taught about actually trading. But they handed out really nice binders, provided lunch and made the customers feel like their insights were a big secret. The feeling of receiving a big secret is not the same as learning an actual big secret!

A trading education that relies on just seminars should sound the alarms of scams. It’s a pretty apparent red flag! Seminars have been notorious for scamming people. What better way to do it than showing up to a town for a couple of days, collect your money, and then leaving with no real contact information for unhappy customers to find you. They work as the old-school snake-oil salesmen going town to town during the wild, wild west. They sell their product in a small town and leave right before everyone begins realizing the product doesn’t work! These seminar leaders are often modern-day snake-oil salesmen.

Do Forex Seminars Work?


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